Thursday 1 September 2016

Online Bridge Lessons

Welcome to Bridge Lessons - A Publication of Blueberry Bridge.

On this site you will find 12 beginning bridge lessons for complete beginners wanting to learn Acol bridge.

The first five lessons are the same whether you are learning Acol or American Standard bridge. They are the basics of the game.  Lessons 6 - 12 relate to Acol bridge.

Acol bridge is the system used in the UK, New Zealand and in a few other countries.  Standard American is widely used in the rest of the world and online.

If you are attending bridge classes and aren't sure which system you are being taught there is a simple way to decide.

Strong No Trumps opening
If your classes, online software or friends open the bidding with a bid of 1NT if they hold 15 - 17 points, then you want the Standard American lessons.

Weak No Trumps opening
If you are being taught to open the bidding with a bid of 1NT if you hold 12 - 14 points, then you want the Acol lessons.

Work your way through the lessons by choosing from the menu on the right. The list is "upside down" with lesson 1 at the bottom.  Sorry about that.

When you have completed the lessons you will be ready for either:

a) The best place to learn Standard American bridge for beginners and improvers - No Fear Bridge US.

b)  The best place to learn to play Acol bridge for  beginners and improvers - No Fear Bridge UK.  Here you will find lessons graded from beginner through to improver with some advanced lessons too, to help you become a better and more confident Acol bridge player.

What are you waiting for - learn how to play bridge today, or improve your bidding and play.  There's a two week trial, with no credit card details required and nothing to pay unless you decide to join.  The sites are run by an experienced bridge teacher and player who understands the needs of beginners and improvers and knows how to help you learn in a fun, interactive way with tutorials, quizzes, progress chart and hundreds (probably thousands) of interactive hands to play.  New content is added regularly to help keep you interested and help keep you learning.

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